Data Protection Policy

The protection of your personal data is very important to us. We process your data exclusively in accordance with the current legal regulations (GDPR 2018, TKG 2003). This Data Protection Policy is to give you information about the most important aspects of the data processing related to our website and the software operated by us.

1. General Information

1.1 Status

As of 25. May 2018.

1.2 Area of Application

vComm Solutions (from now on called vComm) produces and distributes collaboration software. In order to fulfil this purpose, vComm manages contact data and sends mailings for marketing purposes.

This data protection policy is valid for all websites and services provided by vComm:

  • /
  • The AULA software application

1.3 Responsible Authority

The entity with responsibility for determining the purpose and the means for the processing of personal data is vComm Solutions AG, Zurich, Switzerland.

2. Scope Of Data Processing

2.1. Contact with Us

When you contact us by filling in a form on our website or by sending us an email, the data provided by you will be saved in our system for the purpose of processing your request and for follow-up questions. We will not pass your data on to third parties. Should you not wish further contact with us, you can at any time request to be unsubscribed by sending an email to

2.2. Processing Of Your Data

Website / – Data Held

  • For responding to enquiries on the contact pages: first name, last name, email, phone number

AULA Software – Data Held

  • Your personal data will only be used in the operation of the software (login, notifications, creation of avatars): first name, last name, email, gender.

The data will not be processed further.

2.3. Data Processing for Other Purposes

Should we have the intention in the future to use your personal data for other purposes that are not the purposes they were stored for originally, we will inform you beforehand and ask for your permission.

3. Information we Receive Automatically

When you visit our website, we automatically collect data through tracking mechanisms and using cookies.

3.1. Cookies

Our website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that are saved  by the browser on your device. They do not cause any damage.

Website /

  • We use cookies to give users a better experience. Some cookies stay saved on your device until you delete them. Cookies allow us to recognise your device during your next visit. If you do not wish this, you can configure your browser in such a way that you will be informed when cookies are created and to allow control of cookies on a case-by-case basis. If cookies are disabled, it is possible that the functionality of our website will be reduced.

AULA Software

  • We use cookies to save the session information after login. In this way, you will be recognised as a logged in user in all the user interface windows. Cookies are only used for this purpose. No further processing will occur.
  • For error detection, we save the IP address used in the session. No further processing will occur.

3.2. Web Analysis

When accessing our website, various non-personal data will be collected automatically (for example: browser type, number of visits, average time on the site, accessed pages). This information will be used for error detection and as a means of improving the content and the user appeal of the website. No further processing will occur.

4. Who Will Receive Your Personal Data?

Website /

  • Your data will not be passed on to third-parties.

AULA Software

  • When you are invited to an online event within AULA, the other participants will see your first name and last name on the participants list.
  • During an online event, the other participants will see your first name and last name, they can recognise your gender, and they will hear your voice.
  • In AULA you can upload documents (such as presentations and movies). The other participants will only be able to see your events if you explicitly share them or if you present them to the current participants in your online event.
  • In AULA, no voice recordings will be made.
  • Your data will not be used for any other purpose.

5. Security of your Data

We will protect the data you provide to us with all necessary technical and organisational security measures in order to ensure that the data will not be accessible by third parties.

6. Your Rights

You have the fundamental right of information, correction, deletion, reduction, transfer, cancellation, and objection. If you assume that our data processing contravenes existing law, you have the possibility to lodge a complaint with with the corresponding controlling institution. In Switzerland, the controlling institution is the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner.